Started by an SCM change Running as SYSTEM [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables. Building remotely on ha:////4Oa4z6FQJCSK/1NTnHA/Bklq2IhctLB6kHmO3WBAVGtxAAAAqx+LCAAAAAAAAP9b85aBtbiIQTGjNKU4P08vOT+vOD8nVc83PyU1x6OyILUoJzMv2y+/JJUBAhiZGBgqihhk0NSjKDWzXb3RdlLBUSYGJk8GtpzUvPSSDB8G5tKinBIGIZ+sxLJE/ZzEvHT94JKizLx0a6BxUmjGOUNodHsLgAzREgZ5/eT83ILSktQi/fTknPzSFDNTXYOkFIvkVDNjQwuLVAAl+niC1AAAAA==gcloud65-0bd8ce63188e (bazel-debian mvn bazel-chrome69 docker) in workspace /home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0 Selected Git installation does not exist. Using Default Wiping out workspace first. Cloning the remote Git repository Avoid fetching tags Cloning repository > /usr/bin/git init /home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0 # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > /usr/bin/git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials .netrc credentials for > /usr/bin/git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/gerrit/* # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git config remote.gerrit.url # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git config --add remote.gerrit.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/gerrit/* # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git config remote.gerrit.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials .netrc credentials for > /usr/bin/git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/gerrit/* # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials .netrc credentials for > /usr/bin/git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git rev-parse origin/stable-3.0^{commit} # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git rev-parse refs/remotes/gerrit/origin/stable-3.0^{commit} # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/stable-3.0^{commit} # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/stable-3.0^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 03bcbc7b9e3ae9eaac5f11a67941538f329998e2 (origin/stable-3.0) > /usr/bin/git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git checkout -f 03bcbc7b9e3ae9eaac5f11a67941538f329998e2 # timeout=10 Commit message: "Do not change Gerrit files ownership" > /usr/bin/git rev-list --no-walk 8cc245607c695fa1294fbc5d0167cf16569d46bc # timeout=10 [plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0] $ /bin/bash -e /tmp/ [plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0] $ /bin/bash -e /tmp/ Java set to: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java Previous HEAD position was 03bcbc7b9e Do not change Gerrit files ownership Switched to a new branch 'stable-3.0' Branch 'stable-3.0' set up to track remote branch 'stable-3.0' from 'gerrit'. Submodule 'plugins/codemirror-editor' ( registered for path 'plugins/codemirror-editor' Submodule 'plugins/commit-message-length-validator' ( registered for path 'plugins/commit-message-length-validator' Submodule 'plugins/delete-project' ( registered for path 'plugins/delete-project' Submodule 'plugins/download-commands' ( registered for path 'plugins/download-commands' Submodule 'plugins/gitiles' ( registered for path 'plugins/gitiles' Submodule 'plugins/hooks' ( registered for path 'plugins/hooks' Submodule 'plugins/plugin-manager' ( registered for path 'plugins/plugin-manager' Submodule 'plugins/replication' ( registered for path 'plugins/replication' Submodule 'plugins/reviewnotes' ( registered for path 'plugins/reviewnotes' Submodule 'plugins/singleusergroup' ( registered for path 'plugins/singleusergroup' Submodule 'plugins/webhooks' ( registered for path 'plugins/webhooks' Cloning into '/home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0/plugins/codemirror-editor'... Cloning into '/home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0/plugins/commit-message-length-validator'... Cloning into '/home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0/plugins/delete-project'... Cloning into '/home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0/plugins/download-commands'... Cloning into '/home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0/plugins/gitiles'... Cloning into '/home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0/plugins/hooks'... Cloning into '/home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0/plugins/plugin-manager'... Cloning into '/home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0/plugins/replication'... Cloning into '/home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0/plugins/reviewnotes'... Cloning into '/home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0/plugins/singleusergroup'... Cloning into '/home/jenkins/workspace/plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0/plugins/webhooks'... Submodule path 'plugins/codemirror-editor': checked out '59942b1adf1c949f3633f60ac42f67fae03b3255' Submodule path 'plugins/commit-message-length-validator': checked out '556e427fd737744ce8a6a37b89fd427ae59bc8ea' Submodule path 'plugins/delete-project': checked out '542bb8137e356e8ed89856576499d185a9f5c757' Submodule path 'plugins/download-commands': checked out '41c61bf8c1869bff4e0b436f69478c2137d0ca07' Submodule path 'plugins/gitiles': checked out '0f6ffbecc51a0571c8a77248b2655a834700d6af' Submodule path 'plugins/hooks': checked out '089687bdcc64b003d09a77f00eaa77bb79b15b9c' Submodule path 'plugins/plugin-manager': checked out 'd3b2a6eabcb641e952f253e61b927cd1f7f6e30c' Submodule path 'plugins/replication': checked out '2a600dede934b348173bff26e00f373367a3d142' Submodule path 'plugins/reviewnotes': checked out 'be5037839d987a319dac2236e9c1221d4d31848d' Submodule path 'plugins/singleusergroup': checked out '8a3b6faeaebc0f9b7d1af19eb0022b32994e476a' Submodule path 'plugins/webhooks': checked out '8f7a232ef94f60b20c059fff7066d0d1864bec8b' From * branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD * [new tag] v3.3.0 -> v3.3.0 openjdk full version "1.8.0_272-b10" 2020/12/16 18:01:05 Downloading Bazelisk version: v1.6.1 Extracting Bazel installation... Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it... Build label: 3.7.0 Build target: bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/BazelServer_deploy.jar Build time: Tue Oct 20 13:29:16 2020 (1603200556) Build timestamp: 1603200556 Build timestamp as int: 1603200556 INFO: Invocation ID: 0cdff3ea-0cae-4f51-ac9e-33b2d6c715d0 Loading: Loading: 0 packages loaded Loading: 0 packages loaded Loading: 0 packages loaded Loading: 0 packages loaded DEBUG: /home/jenkins/.cache/bazel/_bazel_jenkins/e80bf960d50685de0cf04e0115e7fdbb/external/bazel_toolchains/rules/rbe_repo/version_check.bzl:68:14: Current running Bazel is ahead of bazel-toolchains repo. Please update your pin to bazel-toolchains repo in your WORKSPACE file. DEBUG: /home/jenkins/.cache/bazel/_bazel_jenkins/e80bf960d50685de0cf04e0115e7fdbb/external/bazel_toolchains/rules/rbe_repo/checked_in.bzl:125:14: rbe_default not using checked in configs; Bazel version 3.7.0 was picked/selected but no checked in config was found in map {"0.20.0": ["8.0.0"], "0.21.0": ["8.0.0"], "0.22.0": ["8.0.0", "9.0.0"], "0.23.0": ["8.0.0", "9.0.0"], "0.23.1": ["8.0.0", "9.0.0"], "0.23.2": ["9.0.0"], "0.24.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.24.1": ["9.0.0"], "0.25.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.25.1": ["9.0.0"], "0.25.2": ["9.0.0"], "0.26.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.26.1": ["9.0.0"], "0.27.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.27.1": ["9.0.0"], "0.28.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.28.1": ["9.0.0"], "0.29.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.29.1": ["9.0.0", "10.0.0"], "1.0.0": ["9.0.0", "10.0.0"], "1.0.1": ["10.0.0"], "1.1.0": ["10.0.0"], "1.2.0": ["10.0.0"], "1.2.1": ["10.0.0"], "2.0.0": ["10.0.0"], "2.1.0": ["10.0.0"], "2.1.1": ["10.0.0", "11.0.0"], "2.2.0": ["11.0.0"], "3.0.0": ["11.0.0"], "3.1.0": ["11.0.0"]} Loading: 0 packages loaded Loading: 0 packages loaded Loading: 0 packages loaded Loading: 0 packages loaded Analyzing: target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability (1 packages loaded) Analyzing: target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability (1 packages loaded, 0 targets configured) Analyzing: target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability (10 packages loaded, 7 targets configured) Analyzing: target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability (10 packages loaded, 7 targets configured) Analyzing: target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability (10 packages loaded, 7 targets configured) Analyzing: target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability (10 packages loaded, 7 targets configured) Analyzing: target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability (15 packages loaded, 103 targets configured) Analyzing: target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability (97 packages loaded, 2234 targets configured) Analyzing: target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability (174 packages loaded, 3074 targets configured) Analyzing: target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability (196 packages loaded, 3756 targets configured) INFO: Analyzed target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability (197 packages loaded, 4172 targets configured). INFO: Found 1 target... [0 / 4] [Prepa] BazelWorkspaceStatusAction stable-status.txt [49 / 334] Compiling com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/ [for host]; 3s remote-cache, processwrapper-sandbox ... (31 actions, 30 running) [82 / 334] Compiling com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/ [for host]; 8s remote-cache, processwrapper-sandbox ... (31 actions, 30 running) [94 / 334] Compiling com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/ [for host]; 15s remote-cache, processwrapper-sandbox ... (31 actions, 30 running) [118 / 334] Compiling com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/ [for host]; 8s remote-cache, processwrapper-sandbox ... (31 actions, 30 running) [141 / 334] Compiling com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/ [for host]; 21s remote-cache, processwrapper-sandbox ... (31 actions, 30 running) [171 / 334] Compiling com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/ [for host]; 31s remote-cache, processwrapper-sandbox ... (31 actions, 30 running) [199 / 334] Compiling com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/compiler/js/ [for host]; 18s remote-cache, processwrapper-sandbox ... (31 actions, 30 running) [294 / 357] Action external/bazel_tools/tools/jdk/platformclasspath.jar [for host]; 8s remote-cache, processwrapper-sandbox ... (32 actions running) [332 / 357] Executing genrule //prolog:gerrit-prolog-common__pl2j; 9s remote-cache, processwrapper-sandbox ... (4 actions running) [342 / 357] Compiling Java headers java/com/google/gerrit/server/restapi/librestapi-hjar.jar (284 source files); 6s remote-cache, processwrapper-sandbox ... (14 actions running) [356 / 357] Executing genrule //plugins/high-availability:high-availability; 2s remote-cache, processwrapper-sandbox Target //plugins/high-availability:high-availability up-to-date: bazel-bin/plugins/high-availability/high-availability.jar INFO: Elapsed time: 214.975s, Critical Path: 120.93s INFO: 357 processes: 17 internal, 334 processwrapper-sandbox, 6 worker. INFO: Build completed successfully, 357 total actions INFO: Build completed successfully, 357 total actions INFO: Invocation ID: 5a0d173f-4d38-45e6-91b2-98cb0ce77925 Loading: Loading: 0 packages loaded DEBUG: /home/jenkins/.cache/bazel/_bazel_jenkins/e80bf960d50685de0cf04e0115e7fdbb/external/bazel_toolchains/rules/rbe_repo/version_check.bzl:68:14: Current running Bazel is ahead of bazel-toolchains repo. Please update your pin to bazel-toolchains repo in your WORKSPACE file. DEBUG: /home/jenkins/.cache/bazel/_bazel_jenkins/e80bf960d50685de0cf04e0115e7fdbb/external/bazel_toolchains/rules/rbe_repo/checked_in.bzl:125:14: rbe_default not using checked in configs; Bazel version 3.7.0 was picked/selected but no checked in config was found in map {"0.20.0": ["8.0.0"], "0.21.0": ["8.0.0"], "0.22.0": ["8.0.0", "9.0.0"], "0.23.0": ["8.0.0", "9.0.0"], "0.23.1": ["8.0.0", "9.0.0"], "0.23.2": ["9.0.0"], "0.24.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.24.1": ["9.0.0"], "0.25.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.25.1": ["9.0.0"], "0.25.2": ["9.0.0"], "0.26.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.26.1": ["9.0.0"], "0.27.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.27.1": ["9.0.0"], "0.28.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.28.1": ["9.0.0"], "0.29.0": ["9.0.0"], "0.29.1": ["9.0.0", "10.0.0"], "1.0.0": ["9.0.0", "10.0.0"], "1.0.1": ["10.0.0"], "1.1.0": ["10.0.0"], "1.2.0": ["10.0.0"], "1.2.1": ["10.0.0"], "2.0.0": ["10.0.0"], "2.1.0": ["10.0.0"], "2.1.1": ["10.0.0", "11.0.0"], "2.2.0": ["11.0.0"], "3.0.0": ["11.0.0"], "3.1.0": ["11.0.0"]} INFO: Build option --test_env has changed, discarding analysis cache. Analyzing: 2 targets (4 packages loaded, 0 targets configured) Analyzing: 2 targets (7 packages loaded, 626 targets configured) Analyzing: 2 targets (18 packages loaded, 2779 targets configured) Analyzing: 2 targets (28 packages loaded, 4219 targets configured) Analyzing: 2 targets (38 packages loaded, 4438 targets configured) Analyzing: 2 targets (50 packages loaded, 4517 targets configured) Analyzing: 2 targets (62 packages loaded, 4599 targets configured) Analyzing: 2 targets (78 packages loaded, 4677 targets configured) INFO: Analyzed 2 targets (80 packages loaded, 4697 targets configured). INFO: Found 2 test targets... [0 / 1] [Prepa] BazelWorkspaceStatusAction stable-status.txt [313 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; [Prepa] BazelWorkspaceStatusAction stable-status.txt ... (29 actions, 17 running) [327 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; [Prepa] BazelWorkspaceStatusAction stable-status.txt ... (29 actions, 18 running) [333 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building java/com/google/gerrit/util/ssl/libssl.jar (3 source files); 5s remote-cache, worker ... (32 actions, 20 running) [334 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building java/com/google/gerrit/util/http/libhttp.jar (2 source files); 8s remote-cache, worker ... (30 actions, 19 running) [362 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building java/com/google/gerrit/util/http/libhttp.jar (2 source files); 13s remote-cache, worker ... (31 actions, 21 running) [370 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building antlr3/libquery_parser.jar (1 source jar); 18s remote-cache ... (31 actions, 20 running) [376 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building java/com/google/gerrit/json/libjson.jar (3 source files); 26s remote-cache ... (31 actions, 20 running) [383 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building external/com_google_protobuf/libprotobuf_java.jar (123 source files, 1 source jar); 30s remote-cache, worker ... (32 actions, 20 running) [391 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building external/com_google_protobuf/libprotobuf_java.jar (123 source files, 1 source jar); 37s remote-cache, worker ... (32 actions, 20 running) [396 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building external/com_google_protobuf/libprotobuf_java.jar (123 source files, 1 source jar); 44s remote-cache, worker ... (32 actions, 20 running) INFO: From Building java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/libserver.jar (43 source files): java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'BranchNameKeyProtoConverter' has field 'projectNameConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter projectNameConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'ChangeMessageKeyProtoConverter' has field 'changeIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter changeIdConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'ChangeMessageProtoConverter' has field 'changeMessageKeyConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with changeMessageKeyConverter = ChangeMessageKeyProtoConverter.INSTANCE; ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'ChangeMessageProtoConverter' has field 'accountIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter accountIdConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'ChangeMessageProtoConverter' has field 'patchSetIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter patchSetIdConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'ChangeProtoConverter' has field 'changeIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter changeIdConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'ChangeProtoConverter' has field 'changeKeyConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter changeKeyConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'ChangeProtoConverter' has field 'accountIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter accountIdConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'ChangeProtoConverter' has field 'branchNameConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter branchNameConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'PatchSetApprovalKeyProtoConverter' has field 'patchSetIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter patchSetIdConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'PatchSetApprovalKeyProtoConverter' has field 'accountIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter accountIdConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'PatchSetApprovalKeyProtoConverter' has field 'labelIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter labelIdConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'PatchSetApprovalProtoConverter' has field 'patchSetApprovalKeyProtoConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with patchSetApprovalKeyProtoConverter = PatchSetApprovalKeyProtoConverter.INSTANCE; ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'PatchSetApprovalProtoConverter' has field 'accountIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter accountIdConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'PatchSetIdProtoConverter' has field 'changeIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter changeIdConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'PatchSetProtoConverter' has field 'patchSetIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter patchSetIdConverter = ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'PatchSetProtoConverter' has field 'revIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter revIdConverter = RevIdProtoConverter.INSTANCE; ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/reviewdb/converter/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'PatchSetProtoConverter' has field 'accountIdConverter' of type '', the declaration of type '' is not annotated with private final ProtoConverter accountIdConverter = ^ (see [423 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building external/com_google_protobuf/libprotobuf_java.jar (123 source files, 1 source jar); 53s remote-cache, worker ... (32 actions, 25 running) [436 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building external/com_google_protobuf/libprotobuf_java.jar (123 source files, 1 source jar); 64s remote-cache, worker ... (32 actions, 24 running) INFO: From Building java/com/google/gerrit/extensions/libapi.jar (325 source files) and running annotation processors (AutoAnnotationProcessor, AutoValueProcessor): java/com/google/gerrit/extensions/restapi/ warning: [TypeParameterUnusedInFormals] Declaring a type parameter that is only used in the return type is a misuse of generics: operations on the type parameter are unchecked, it hides unsafe casts at invocations of the method, and it interacts badly with method overload resolution. public T caching(CacheControl c) { ^ (see [452 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building external/com_google_protobuf/libprotobuf_java.jar (123 source files, 1 source jar); 76s remote-cache, worker ... (32 actions, 23 running) [468 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building java/com/google/gerrit/server/libserver-class.jar (972 source files) and running annotation processors (AutoAnnotationProcessor, AutoValueProcessor); 23s remote-cache, worker ... (32 actions, 20 running) INFO: From Building java/com/google/gerrit/httpd/libhttpd-class.jar (99 source files) and running annotation processors (AutoAnnotationProcessor, AutoValueProcessor): java/com/google/gerrit/httpd/ warning: [MissingOverride] getStatus overrides method in HttpServletResponseWrapper; expected @Override public int getStatus() { ^ (see Did you mean '@Override @SuppressWarnings("all")'? INFO: From Building java/com/google/gerrit/pgm/init/api/libapi.jar (14 source files): java/com/google/gerrit/pgm/init/api/ warning: [GetClassOnEnum] Calling getClass() on an enum may return a subclass of the enum type E allowedValues = (E) EnumSet.allOf(defValue.getClass()); ^ (see Did you mean 'E allowedValues = (E) EnumSet.allOf(defValue.getDeclaringClass());'? INFO: From Building java/com/google/gerrit/sshd/libsshd.jar (98 source files) and running annotation processors (AutoAnnotationProcessor, AutoValueProcessor): java/com/google/gerrit/sshd/commands/ warning: [SynchronizeOnNonFinalField] Synchronizing on non-final fields is not safe: if the field is ever updated, different threads may end up locking on different objects. synchronized (stdout) { ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/sshd/commands/ warning: [SynchronizeOnNonFinalField] Synchronizing on non-final fields is not safe: if the field is ever updated, different threads may end up locking on different objects. synchronized (stdout) { ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/sshd/commands/ warning: [ReferenceEquality] Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality if (s == PacketLineIn.END) { ^ (see Did you mean 'if (Objects.equals(s, PacketLineIn.END)) {' or 'if (s.equals(PacketLineIn.END)) {'? java/com/google/gerrit/sshd/commands/ warning: [StringEquality] String comparison using reference equality instead of value equality if (s == PacketLineIn.END) { ^ (see Did you mean 'if (Objects.equals(s, PacketLineIn.END)) {' or 'if (s.equals(PacketLineIn.END)) {'? INFO: From Building java/com/google/gerrit/lucene/liblucene.jar (12 source files): java/com/google/gerrit/lucene/ warning: [ReferenceEquality] Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality if (unwrapped == reader) { ^ (see Did you mean 'if (Objects.equals(unwrapped, reader)) {' or 'if (unwrapped.equals(reader)) {'? java/com/google/gerrit/lucene/ warning: [ReferenceEquality] Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality if (unwrapped != reader) { ^ (see Did you mean 'if (!Objects.equals(unwrapped, reader)) {' or 'if (!unwrapped.equals(reader)) {'? [485 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building java/com/google/gerrit/server/libserver-class.jar (972 source files) and running annotation processors (AutoAnnotationProcessor, AutoValueProcessor); 39s remote-cache, worker ... (10 actions, 9 running) INFO: From Building java/com/google/gerrit/acceptance/libframework-lib.jar (73 source files) and running annotation processors (AutoAnnotationProcessor, AutoValueProcessor): java/com/google/gerrit/acceptance/ warning: [TypeParameterUnusedInFormals] Declaring a type parameter that is only used in the return type is a misuse of generics: operations on the type parameter are unchecked, it hides unsafe casts at invocations of the method, and it interacts badly with method overload resolution. private static T get(Object obj, String field) ^ (see [489 / 492] 1 / 2 tests; Building java/com/google/gerrit/server/libserver-class.jar (972 source files) and running annotation processors (AutoAnnotationProcessor, AutoValueProcessor); 57s remote-cache, worker ... (4 actions running) INFO: From Building java/com/google/gerrit/server/libserver-class.jar (972 source files) and running annotation processors (AutoAnnotationProcessor, AutoValueProcessor): java/com/google/gerrit/server/index/change/ warning: [ReferenceEquality] Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality if (in == out || out instanceof IndexPredicate) { ^ (see Did you mean 'if (Objects.equals(in, out) || out instanceof IndexPredicate) {' or 'if (in.equals(out) || out instanceof IndexPredicate) {'? java/com/google/gerrit/server/index/change/ warning: [ReferenceEquality] Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality if (nc == c) { ^ (see Did you mean 'if (Objects.equals(nc, c)) {' or 'if (nc.equals(c)) {'? java/com/google/gerrit/server/notedb/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'ReviewerStateInternal' has field 'footerKey' of type 'org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.FooterKey', the declaration of type 'org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.FooterKey' is not annotated with private final FooterKey footerKey; ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/server/util/ warning: [NarrowingCompoundAssignment] Compound assignments from int to short hide lossy casts v0 += ((v1 << 2) + 0 ^ v1) + (salt ^ (v1 >>> 3)) + 1; ^ (see Did you mean 'v0 = (short) (v0 + (((v1 << 2) + 0 ^ v1) + (salt ^ (v1 >>> 3)) + 1));'? java/com/google/gerrit/server/util/ warning: [NarrowingCompoundAssignment] Compound assignments from int to short hide lossy casts v1 += ((v0 << 2) + 2 ^ v0) + (salt ^ (v0 >>> 3)) + 3; ^ (see Did you mean 'v1 = (short) (v1 + (((v0 << 2) + 2 ^ v0) + (salt ^ (v0 >>> 3)) + 3));'? java/com/google/gerrit/server/util/ warning: [NarrowingCompoundAssignment] Compound assignments from int to short hide lossy casts v1 -= ((v0 << 2) + 2 ^ v0) + (salt ^ (v0 >>> 3)) + 3; ^ (see Did you mean 'v1 = (short) (v1 - (((v0 << 2) + 2 ^ v0) + (salt ^ (v0 >>> 3)) + 3));'? java/com/google/gerrit/server/util/ warning: [NarrowingCompoundAssignment] Compound assignments from int to short hide lossy casts v0 -= ((v1 << 2) + 0 ^ v1) + (salt ^ (v1 >>> 3)) + 1; ^ (see Did you mean 'v0 = (short) (v0 - (((v1 << 2) + 0 ^ v1) + (salt ^ (v1 >>> 3)) + 1));'? java/com/google/gerrit/server/change/ warning: [ImmutableEnumChecker] enums should be immutable: 'ArchiveFormat' has field 'format' of type 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.ArchiveCommand.Format', the declaration of type 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.ArchiveCommand.Format' is not annotated with private final ArchiveCommand.Format format; ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/server/change/ warning: [ReferenceEquality] Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality && (ps.getId().get() > priorPs.getId().get() || priorPs == patch)) { ^ (see Did you mean '&& (ps.getId().get() > priorPs.getId().get() || priorPs.equals(patch))) {'? java/com/google/gerrit/server/change/ warning: [ReferenceEquality] Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality if (priorPs != patch) { ^ (see Did you mean 'if (!priorPs.equals(patch)) {'? java/com/google/gerrit/server/index/ warning: [TypeParameterUnusedInFormals] Declaring a type parameter that is only used in the return type is a misuse of generics: operations on the type parameter are unchecked, it hides unsafe casts at invocations of the method, and it interacts badly with method overload resolution. private static T createDummyIndexFactory(Schema schema) { ^ (see java/com/google/gerrit/server/patch/ warning: [ReferenceEquality] Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality && (aId == within || within.equals(aId))) { ^ (see Did you mean '&& (Objects.equals(aId, within) || within.equals(aId))) {' or '&& (aId.equals(within) || within.equals(aId))) {'? java/com/google/gerrit/server/patch/ warning: [ReferenceEquality] Comparison using reference equality instead of value equality && (aId == within || within.equals(aId))) { ^ (see Did you mean '&& (Objects.equals(aId, within) || within.equals(aId))) {' or '&& (aId.equals(within) || within.equals(aId))) {'? [492 / 493] 1 / 2 tests; Testing //plugins/high-availability:high-availability_tests; 3s local [492 / 493] 1 / 2 tests; Testing //plugins/high-availability:high-availability_tests; 27s local [492 / 493] 1 / 2 tests; Testing //plugins/high-availability:high-availability_tests; 55s local [492 / 493] 1 / 2 tests; Testing //plugins/high-availability:high-availability_tests; 101s local [492 / 493] 1 / 2 tests; Testing //plugins/high-availability:high-availability_tests; 156s local INFO: Elapsed time: 330.503s, Critical Path: 267.97s INFO: 143 processes: 7 internal, 1 local, 66 processwrapper-sandbox, 69 worker. INFO: Build completed successfully, 143 total actions //plugins/high-availability:high-availability_tests PASSED in 174.7s //tools/bzl:always_pass_test PASSED in 0.3s Executed 2 out of 2 tests: 2 tests pass. There were tests whose specified size is too big. Use the --test_verbose_timeout_warnings command line option to see which ones these are. INFO: Build completed successfully, 143 total actions Dec 16, 2020 6:10:23 PM java.util.jar.Attributes read WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest: Implementation-Version. Ensure that the manifest does not have duplicate entries, and that blank lines separate individual sections in both your manifest and in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF entry in the jar file. [plugin-high-availability-bazel-stable-3.0] $ /bin/bash -e /tmp/ % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 2062 0 2062 0 0 46863 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 46863 Archiving artifacts Finished: SUCCESS